Monday, September 10, 2012

A really distracted day...

I know how important routine and predictablity are to my daughter, and today demonstrated what a mess things can become when our household routine, homeschool routine, and my general activity level tanks. I work at the nearby public school part time and it seems I catch every respiratory virus that comes around. Most of the time, I'm just a little sniffly- this month I caught a full-blown cold to sinus to asthma mess that has left me drained- still moving and getting through the days, but absolutely drained. I have tried to keep up with the homeschool lessons, and for the most part things have gone well. Not today- my daughter spent the day unable to focus on anything (I mean anything) for longer than a few minutes, kept needing my attention, and I was too tired to keep redirecting and trying to talk and stay focused on what I was supposed to be teaching. So, we gave up. Part of the work done, the rest will be added to tomorrow and we'll plug along as we can. Honestly, I pretty much knew the day was over when doing sentence contruction, I asked her "where do shooting stars shine?" and she said in a village... and she was serious. So, tonight I will continue to treat myself, boost my immune system, and hopefully get enough sleep to be ready to focus and keep her interest in the morning.

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